Publishing Companies of Italy

Listing 171 to 180 of 245 Italian Publishing Houses

Page 18 of 25 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Italian Publishers Directory

Red Edizioni-Boroli Editore

Milano, Italy

Reference books, biographies, economics, history, multimedia products for the foreign languages learning.

Publisher profile: Red Edizioni-Boroli Editore

Gugol Edizioni

Vicenza, Italy

thinking about international co-editing, augmented reality books

Publisher profile: Gugol Edizioni


Milano, Italy

Topipittori is four years old, and has published its first ten books (and more are coming). Topipittori produces picture books, with high quality texts and illustrations.

Publisher profile: Topipittori

Gabriele Mazzotta Editore

Milano, Italy

Founded in 1966 as a publishing house concentrating on the arts and social sciences, it has specialised in the art field playing particular attention to 20th century art. The dedication to culture and art is to be seen in the exibition catalogues.

Publisher profile: Gabriele Mazzotta Editore

Edizioni Play Press S.R.L.

Nepi, Italy

Children and teenagers' publications with promotional gadgets.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Play Press S.R.L.

Foto Edizioni srl


In the puzzle publishing industry, Foto Edizioni is synonymous with quality, tradition as well as innovation. For years a leader in the field of game & puzzle publishing, we circulate a large number of magazines to cater for the needs of different readers: from people who just want fast-and-f...

Publisher profile: Foto Edizioni srl

Editrice Democratica Sarda (EDES)

Sassari, Italy

Edes is a great publishing house on Sardinia, established in Cagliari in the Seventies as a point of reference for a group of intellectuals and university teachers. Since the end of Eithties the publishing house moved to Sassari.

Publisher profile: Editrice Democratica Sarda (EDES)

Mediane S.r.l.

Assago, Italy

Books published by mediane are focussed on the Italian Cinema and culture, but also board books about music and actors. Absolutely unique is the photocult label, dedicated to culture and travel.

Publisher profile: Mediane S.r.l.

Edizioni Sole

Cagliari, Italy

Established in 1988, Edizioni Sole works in traditional books and reviews, but also in electronic publishing, internet and multimedia.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Sole

AER Verlag Edizioni

Bozen, Italy

Zeitgenössische Literatur, Biographien, Sachbuch Kunst. Bilder-, Kinder-und Jugendbuch.

Publisher profile: AER Verlag Edizioni

245 publishing companies in the directory of Italian publishers

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