Publishing Services Companies of Germany

Listing 1 to 10 of 931 German Publishing Service Companies

Page 1 of 94 of all the publishing services companies listed in the German directory of services

doctronic GmbH & Co. KG

Bonn, Germany

For many years Doctronic has been supporting specialist publishers of all sizes in implementing their own digital products. We analyze your business model, your product concept, your production and sales processes in order to develop the right solution for your publisher...

Profile of: doctronic GmbH & Co. KG, Bonn, Germany


Frensdorf, Germany

With 13 factories spread out over five countries, CPI is one of the major players in the printing market in Europe. We produce books and printed documents for major publishing houses, large industrial groups and service companies, and administrative bodies.

Profile of: CPI BUCHBÜCHER.DE GMBH, Frensdorf, Germany

Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH

Frankfurt, Germany

We produce publications that move people. To read and leaf through, to listen and look at, to like, to buy and to pass on. Our passion: print products with a love of haptics, printing and detail; Audiobooks that entertain, e-books and blogs with a statement. We create content for customer loyalty, e

Profile of: Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany

DAAD - Deutscher AkademischerAustauschdienst

Bonn, Germany

Der DAAD ist eine Mitgliedsorganisation der deutschen Hochschulen und ihrer Studierenden. Er fördert die grenzüberschreitende akademische Kooperation und den internationalen Austausch von Studierenden sowie Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern.

Profile of: DAAD - Deutscher AkademischerAustauschdienst, Bonn, Germany

Firmengruppe Appl Holding GmbH & Co. KG

Wemding, Germany

The Appl group is a family-run printing and finishing company headquartered in Wemding. With around 180 million euros in sales and 700 employees, of whom over 60 are trainees, the Appl group of companies is one of the largest printing companies in Germany.

Profile of: Firmengruppe Appl Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Wemding, Germany

Libreka GmbH

Rudolstadt, Germany

With Libreka you have the largest sales platform for e-books in the German-speaking area as your partner by your side. In addition to our large trading partners, our worldwide distribution network also includes smaller niche shops, booksellers, libraries, companies and start-ups.

Profile of: Libreka GmbH, Rudolstadt, Germany

EDUvation GmbH

Bielefeld, Germany

Do you have an idea or an initial value proposition, but still need a bit of support? If so, you’ve come to the right place! We support the implementation of your idea and the development and expansion of your EdTech start-up. This was the main reason why we founded EDUvation.

Profile of: EDUvation GmbH, Bielefeld, Germany

GGP Media GmbH

Pößneck, Germany

Since 1891, the name ‘GGP Media’ has represented high-quality printed and digital publications. We are one of the leading companies for the print sector on the European market. As part of the Bertelsmann Printing Group, we are a strong partner in executing an incredibly wide range of project types

Profile of: GGP Media GmbH, Pößneck, Germany

Optimal Media GmbH

Röbel/Müritz, Germany

optimal media bietet als vollstufige Verlagsdruckerei die gesamte Fertigungskette von der Druckvorstufe über den Bogenoffsetdruck und die Buchbinderei bis zum weltweiten Versand. Ein leistungsstarker Maschinenpark und eingespieltes Expertenteam garantieren die Herstellung qualitativ hochwertiger ...

Profile of: Optimal Media GmbH, Röbel/Müritz, Germany

abavo GmbH

Buchloe, Germany

vlow (vormals xhub) ist ein Workflow-System, das sich durchgängig vom Autor/Lektor bis zur automatisierten PRINT, HTML5 und EPUB-Produktion spannt. Ausgangsdaten sind wahlweise XML oder Word. Die Printausgabe erfolgt über InDesign, PrintCSS oder gängige XML-Satzengines. Cloud-basierte Automatisme...

Profile of: abavo GmbH, Buchloe, Germany

931 publishing companies in the directory of German suppliers

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