In the puzzle publishing industry, Foto Edizioni is synonymous with quality, tradition as well as innovation. For years a leader in the field of game & puzzle publishing, we circulate a large number of magazines to cater for the needs of different readers: from people who just want fast-and-fun brain teasers to skilled puzzle solvers who like to challenge their culture and knowledge.
Some years ago, we expanded our core business scope to include other publishing products. Today, as well as puzzle magazines, Foto Edizioni offers children's publications and activity books for kids.
Our company supplies traditional crossword puzzles and puzzle games to the Il Piccolo, a Trieste-based daily newspaper.
In the field of children's magazines, we have cooperated with Warner Bros, MGA, Universal, Pagot, Sanrio, MTV, Licensing & Merchandising (R.T.I.).
Foto Edizioni srl publishes on these subjects: Children's in these languages: Italian
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Via V. Buzzi 220017 Rho MI, ItalyItaly
Phone number(s): + 39 02 9346101
Foto Edizioni srl, Italy is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
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By subject: Children's publishers in Italy
By language: Italian language publishers of Italy
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