Donzelli: books of ideas was the first slogan thought in 1992 to launch the new independent publishing about to be founded: it still sums up the spirit of the house, publish good book, long sellers, for a well-educated and refined readership.
Publisher profile: Donzelli Editore
Independent publishing house founded in 1986. Quality Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction. History, archieology and poetry. Among the main players in the Italian book market in terms of quality, visibility and media coverage.
Publisher profile: Bonfirraro editore
Art, local history, archaeology, poetry, religions, folk traditions, essays on psychology, sociology, science, anthropology, handbooks, sport, cookery, fiction.
Publisher profile: Newton Compton Editori Srl
Italian publisher experts on health care, medicine, ethics and medical code of ethics, rights to health (books, journals, electronic and multimedia publishing).
Publisher profile: C. G. Edizioni Medico Scientifiche
Picture books, art, periodicals. Age group: 5-10, 10-15, over 15. European Art magazine for children from 6 to 106 years old! Fairy tales, experiences and games to approach art, poetry and fiction.
Publisher profile: Edizioni Artebambini Snc
Publisher of general fiction and literature.
Publisher profile: Neuma Edizioni