Fiction Publishers' Directory of Italy

Listing 1 to 10 of 37 Fiction publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 1 of 4 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Fiction Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Fiction' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Donzelli Editore

Rome, Italy

Donzelli: books of ideas was the first slogan thought in 1992 to launch the new independent publishing about to be founded: it still sums up the spirit of the house, publish good book, long sellers, for a well-educated and refined readership.

Publisher profile: Donzelli Editore

Giulio Einaudi Editore

Torino, Italy

Literary fiction, classics, poetry, history, philosophy, social sciences, science, economics, art and architecture, university textbooks, reference books, pocketbooks.

Publisher profile: Giulio Einaudi Editore

Adelphi Edizioni

Milano, Italy

Publishers of general fiction, classics, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, religion, art, biography, general science.

Publisher profile: Adelphi Edizioni

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore Srl

Milano, Italy

Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction: anthropology, cyber studies, sociology, sciences, Pocket books: classics, non-fiction, sciences, children's books.

Publisher profile: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore Srl

Bonfirraro editore

Barrafranca, Italy

Independent publishing house founded in 1986. Quality Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction. History, archieology and poetry. Among the main players in the Italian book market in terms of quality, visibility and media coverage.

Publisher profile: Bonfirraro editore

Newton Compton Editori Srl

Roma, Italy

Art, local history, archaeology, poetry, religions, folk traditions, essays on psychology, sociology, science, anthropology, handbooks, sport, cookery, fiction.

Publisher profile: Newton Compton Editori Srl

Emons Italia Srl

Roma, Italy

We are a new Italian audiobook publisher and we present the best of Italian contemporary fiction read by the authors and the best children's books read by famous actors. It is a wonderful opportunity to better your knowledge of our musical language.

Publisher profile: Emons Italia Srl

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore

Segrate-Milano, Italy

Publishers of fiction and non-fiction. Italian and foreign literature, biographies, travel, art, philosophy and criticism, children, politics, critiques.

Publisher profile: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore

Tea-Tascabili degli Editori Associati S.p.A.

Milano, Italy

Extensive pocket lists featuring national and international best-selling authors of both fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Tea-Tascabili degli Editori Associati S.p.A.

RCS Libri SpA

Milano, Italy

Imprint with two different targets: children and adults. For children, Fabbripublishes Fiction from 6 to 18 and illustrated books (reference, novelties, encyclopedias, popup). As for adults, books on leisure, family, health & wellness, cooking.

Publisher profile: RCS Libri SpA

37 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies of Italy
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