Publishing Services Companies in Cagliari, Italy

Listing all 5 Italian companies providing publishing services in Cagliari, Italies

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Associazione Editori Sardi

Cagliari, Italy

The Associazione Editori Sardi (A.E.S.), constituted in 1986, represents the publishers having a registered office in Sardinia, who issues books and computer-aided publishing.

Profile of: Associazione Editori Sardi, Cagliari, Italy
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Cagliari, Italy

Fabula has started publishing books in 2001. It is a publishing house specialized in photographic books, historical and archaeological works.

Profile of: Fabula, Cagliari, Italy
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Scuola Sarda Editrice

Cagliari, Italy

Scuola Sarda Editrice was established in 1986. It has developed into an independent highly qualified graphical-editorial company. The distinctive feature of the publishing house is that it publishes its own titles using 2 local production units.

Profile of: Scuola Sarda Editrice, Cagliari, Italy
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Centro Regionale Biblioteche Ragazzi - Provincia Di Cagliari

Cagliari, Italy

The Centro Regionale Biblioteche Ragazzi (Regional Center for Children Libraries) of the Provincia di Cagliari has been founded in 1999. Its main purposes are the development and the strenghtening of the children sections in the Sardinian libraries. It also provides professional courses for libra...

Profile of: Centro Regionale Biblioteche Ragazzi - Provincia Di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
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5 publishing companies in the directory of publishing services suppliers in Cagliari, Italy
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