The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO acts as a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy.
Publisher profile: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Technical and scientific books: engineering, electronics, construction, architecture, law, economics, design, chemistry, mathematics. Schoolbooks and academic textbooks. Dictionaries and reference books. Handbooks. Trade books.
Publisher profile: Hoepli S.p.A.
Donzelli: books of ideas was the first slogan thought in 1992 to launch the new independent publishing about to be founded: it still sums up the spirit of the house, publish good book, long sellers, for a well-educated and refined readership.
Publisher profile: Donzelli Editore
Literary fiction, classics, poetry, history, philosophy, social sciences, science, economics, art and architecture, university textbooks, reference books, pocketbooks.
Publisher profile: Giulio Einaudi Editore
IBS.IT is the most visited e-commerce site in Italy and it offers a catalogue that includes: 480.000 Italian books, 1.200.000 English books, 70.000 music CDs, 21.000 movies on DVD and more than 3.000 videogames.
Publisher profile: Internet Bookshop Italia S.r.l.
International comics and animation festival of Naples, publisher of comics, art catalogues, prints and posters.
Publisher profile: Associazione COMICON
Dictionaries, atlases, CD-ROM. Academic: Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, psychology, geography, law, economics, architecture, computer science, educational. Trade: Photography, mountain, nautica, gardening. Schoolbooks.
Publisher profile: Zanichelli Editore S.p.A.
Publishers of general fiction, classics, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, religion, art, biography, general science.
Publisher profile: Adelphi Edizioni
Philosophy, history, pedagogy, dictionary, bibical literature, theoology, patrology, religious life, magazines: Città Nuova, Umanità Nuova, Unità e Carismi.
Publisher profile: Città Nuova Editrice the big online bookshop. 14 millions books in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German; 70 millions of used books; E-Books from all over the world; 500.000 music CDs; 100.000 DVDs Film and 15.000 videogames, special offers.
Publisher profile: DEA Mediagroup Spa