Digital Printing Companies of Italy

Listing all 2 Italian digital printing companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Italian companies offering digital printing services to publishers and self published authors listed in the directory of digital printing companies of Italy. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering digital printing services to publishers and self published authors

Ediprima S.r.l.

Piacenza, Italy

Ediprima S.r.l. is a printing company based in Piacenza (Italy). It is specialized in printing illustrated books, offering consultancy and production services geared to various needs. The production range covers catalogs, books, magazines.

Profile of: Ediprima S.r.l., Piacenza, Italy
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L.E.G.O. S.p.A.


Offset & Digital print/bind full solution, specialized in manuals, educational, children, religious books and novels. Main topics: high capacity soft, flexi & hardcover books, 1 to full colour, print on Bible paper, edge gilding with rounded corners.

Profile of: L.E.G.O. S.p.A., Italy
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