Reference Publishers' Directory of Spain

Listing all 10 Reference publishers listed in the Spanish publishers directories

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M. Moleiro Editor, S.A.

Barcelona, Spain

Facsimile editions of medieval and renaissance manuscripts-reference and fine art books. Our reproductions bound in leather tanned use the methods of years past and reproduce on special, hand-made paper.

Publisher profile: M. Moleiro Editor, S.A.

Editorial Oceano S.L.

Barcelona, Spain

Publisher of reference books, encyclopedias, technical, historical, geographical and art series. Children's books of high scientific rigour and colour illustrations. Multimedia editions (DVD) and CD-ROM), also publisher of travel guides and fiction.

Publisher profile: Editorial Oceano S.L.

Grupo Anaya

Madrid, Spain

Spanish group of companies that publish educational books, Spanish and foreign literature for children and adults, reference and trade books, among others.

Publisher profile: Grupo Anaya

Santillana Ediciones Educativas

Madrid, Spain

Educational books, reference books, cartography. Spanish as a foreign language.

Publisher profile: Santillana Ediciones Educativas

Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S.L.

Madrid, Spain

Educational books, Spanish, English and French as a foreign language. Spanish adult literature, children's and young adult literature, e-learning. Reference and trade books.

Publisher profile: Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S.L.


Barcelona, Spain

Publisher of Catalan and Spanish language dictionaries, Monolingual an bilingual. Lexicographic resources in several languages. Reference and non-fiction, children's books.

Publisher profile: Vox

Espasa Calpe

Madrid, Spain

Fiction and non-fiction, art, biographies, children's books, illustrated and reference books, dictionaries and enciclopedias. Spanish and translated classics. Linguistics. Education. Books and material for learning Spanish as a foreign language.

Publisher profile: Espasa Calpe

Erein Argitaletxea

Donostia, Spain

Erein publishing house was founded in 1976. Since then it has been a quality and prestige reference relating to literature in Basque language. Not less important is its invaluable contribution to the world of school textbooks.

Publisher profile: Erein Argitaletxea

Pagès Editors, S.L.

Lleida, Spain

Publisher profile: Pagès Editors, S.L.

Rafael Dalmau, Editor

Barcelona, Spain

Rafael Dalmau, Editor, a publishing house since 1959, has a large catalogue of books about history, geography and popular culture of the Catalan area. It has become a reference for both specialist and the general public.

Publisher profile: Rafael Dalmau, Editor

10 publishers in the the directory of reference publishing companies of Spain
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