Government Publishers' Directory of Spain

Listing 1 Government publishers listed in the Spanish publishers directory

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Spain that are listed under 'Government Publishers. Remove 'Spain' filter to see all government publishers' directory. Remove 'Government' filter to see the list of all Spanish publishers


Madrid, Spain

El título provisional de mi opúsculo es VENEZUELA XXI: La Revolución de la Estupidez (alrededor de 170 páginas, y 8 ilustraciones). Trata el tema de la estupidez (definida según la Real Academia) como una condición síquica que afecta gravemente el devenir histórico de Venezuela en el siglo XXI. O...

Publisher profile: Aguilar

1 publishers in the the directory of government publishing companies of Spain
Remove 'Spain' filter to see all government publishers' directory
Remove 'Government' filter to see the list of all Spanish publishers

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