Lynx Edicions is a publishing house committed to providing high-quality natural history books since 1989. Our children's literature collection is designed to transmit our love of nature and our experience in the fields of natural history books. The books present original stories set in the natura...
Publisher profile: Lynx Edicions
Founded in 2018. We publish contemporary Spanish non fiction, fiction (including new authors), as well as finely produced ilustrated books. Topics we cover are travelling, nature, ecology, arts. Awarded with Best Edited Book on 2020 and 2021 by Spanish Ministry of Culture.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Menguantes
The Journal of Digital Information, Culture and Nature, from La Gomera (Canary Islands), published by the Ecological and Cultural Association Tagaragunche.
Publisher profile: Eseken Digital
Versos y Trasos Editorial aspires to spread our classic 20th century Poetry and promotes the new poet’s work. The most important for us is the quality of the drawings and the chosen poems. We want to bring closer the lyric to everyone and thereby we offer different collections. Poets for everyone...
Publisher profile: Versos Y Trazos Publishing House
Publishers of high quality, illustrated, large-format books for adults. Subject areas include: art, architecture, photography, travel books, maritime, nature and cooking.
Publisher profile: Lunwerg S.L.