Novel Publishers' Directory of Spain

Listing all 4 Novel publishers listed in the Spanish publishers directories

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Ediciones Menguantes


Founded in 2018. We publish contemporary Spanish non fiction, fiction (including new authors), as well as finely produced ilustrated books. Topics we cover are travelling, nature, ecology, arts. Awarded with Best Edited Book on 2020 and 2021 by Spanish Ministry of Culture.

Publisher profile: Ediciones Menguantes

Grup 62

Barcelona, Spain

Grup 62, with a total of 18 publishing imprints, covers the full range of literary genres and all types of publishing. It publishes Catalan and Spanish authors and translations of the works of foreign writers. It has a specific division for children’s and juvenile books.

Publisher profile: Grup 62

Galaxia Gutenberg/Cérculo de Lectores

Barcelona, Spain

Galaxia Gutenberg is an imprint of Circulo de Lectores, specializing in illustrated books by contemporary artists, poetry, essays, novels and collected works of classical authors.

Publisher profile: Galaxia Gutenberg/Cérculo de Lectores


Barcelona, Spain

This publishing label of romantic novels in Spanish was created in Grup 62 in june 2006. Talismán want to back the most original, daring and rigorous new work in current romantic novel writing.

Publisher profile: Talismán

4 publishers in the the directory of novel publishing companies of Spain
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