Music Publishers' Directory of Spain

Listing all 6 Music publishers listed in the Spanish publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Spain that are listed under 'Music Publishers. Remove 'Spain' filter to see all music publishers' directory. Remove 'Music' filter to see the list of all Spanish publishers

Antonio Machado Libros S.A.

Madrid, Spain

Art studies, philosophy, fiction, music and history books of the classics and the more innovative writers.

Publisher profile: Antonio Machado Libros S.A.

RDM Editorial

San Sebastián de los Reyes, Spain

RDM Editorial is a publishing company since 1994. We publish several monthly magazines about music, guitar, and also model aircrafts, rc cars and rc helicopters. We also publish on demand.

Publisher profile: RDM Editorial

Elkarlanean S.L.

Donostia, Spain

Elkar argitaletxea is specialised in creating Basque literature for adults, young people and children and publish education textbooks. Elkar is also a record company, editing the most varied kinds of music produced by Basques.

Publisher profile: Elkarlanean S.L.


Barcelona, Spain


Publisher profile: Pòrtic

MC Ediciones SA

Barcelona, Spain

Publishers of the largest list of rock and hard rock books and magazines, poster-books. Music and Hi-Fi, arts/crafts, medicine, pets, sport, cars, motorcycles, bikes.

Publisher profile: MC Ediciones SA

6 publishers in the the directory of music publishing companies of Spain
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