Education Publishers' Directory of Spain

Listing 1 to 10 of 16 Education publishers listed in the Spanish publishers directories

Page 1 of 2 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Spain that are listed under 'Education Publishers. Remove 'Spain' filter to see all education publishers' directory. Remove 'Education' filter to see the list of all Spanish publishers

Grupo SM

Madrid, Spain

Infantil y Juvenil: narrativa. Libros de conocimiento y divulgación. Libros religiosos. Libros escolares. Pedagogía y educación. Pensamiento. Material educativo complementario. Estudios sociológicos. Libros de actualidad.

Publisher profile: Grupo SM

Grup 62

Barcelona, Spain

Grup 62, with a total of 18 publishing imprints, covers the full range of literary genres and all types of publishing. It publishes Catalan and Spanish authors and translations of the works of foreign writers. It has a specific division for children’s and juvenile books.

Publisher profile: Grup 62

Ediciones Rialp, S.A.

Madrid, Spain

Biography, cinema, essay, ethics, history, literature, philosophy, pedagogy, religion, spirituality, children's books.

Publisher profile: Ediciones Rialp, S.A.

Grupo Editorial Bruño, S.L.

Madrid, Spain

Edicioón y commercialización de libros escolares, materiales didácticos y complementarios para todos los niveles educativos; obras destinadas al profesorado. Publicaciones infantiles y juveniles: literatura, comics; narrativa; juegos.

Publisher profile: Grupo Editorial Bruño, S.L.

Edelsa Grupo Didascalia S.A.

Madrid, Spain

Spanish publisher specialized in methods and materials for the education and the learning of the Spanish as a foreign language (textbooks, grammar, audio-visual, multimedia, reading books, etc.).

Publisher profile: Edelsa Grupo Didascalia S.A.

Santillana Ediciones Educativas

Madrid, Spain

Educational books, reference books, cartography. Spanish as a foreign language.

Publisher profile: Santillana Ediciones Educativas

Editorial Everest

Leon, Spain

Diccionarios, enciclopedias, libros de cocina, fondo general, guías artísticoturísticas, libros infantiles y juveniles, educatión general básica, bachillerato unificado polivalente, formación profesional

Publisher profile: Editorial Everest

Editorial Everest, S.A.

León, Spain

Diccionarios, enciclopedias, libros de cocina, fondo general, guías artísticoturísticas, libros infantiles y juveniles, educatión general básica, bachillerato unificado polivalente, formación profesional.

Publisher profile: Editorial Everest, S.A.

Gemser Publications, S.L. Mercedes Ros

Barcelona, Spain

We combine excellent quality with competitive prices, good texts and beautiful illustrations to educate and inspire young readers.

Publisher profile: Gemser Publications, S.L. Mercedes Ros

Castellnou Edicions - Hermes Editora General, S.A.U.

Barcelona, Spain

Castellnou Edicions publishes text books and literature for children aged 3-18. Their aim is to contribute to the complete education of young people while promoting values such as respect, tolerance, justice and honesty.

Publisher profile: Castellnou Edicions - Hermes Editora General, S.A.U.

16 publishers in the the directory of education publishing companies of Spain
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