Contemporary Publishers' Directory of Italy

Listing all 7 Contemporary publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

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Emons Italia Srl

Roma, Italy

We are a new Italian audiobook publisher and we present the best of Italian contemporary fiction read by the authors and the best children's books read by famous actors. It is a wonderful opportunity to better your knowledge of our musical language.

Publisher profile: Emons Italia Srl

a+mbookstore edizioni

Milano, Italy

Contemporary Art books. Catalogues and Artists' books, Essayes and Monographies

Publisher profile: a+mbookstore edizioni

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

Bologna, Italy

Hamelin Cultural Association was founded in 1996 by Professor Antonio Faeti and a group of scholars specialising in children's literature at the University of Bologna. Hamelin's aim is to promote quality in contemporary children's literature, considering collectively literary texts, filmography, ...

Publisher profile: Hamelin Associazione Culturale

ISBN Edizioni

Milano, Italy

Founded in 2004, it is a publishing house of contemporary and young literary fiction from all over the world. Its non-fiction includes pop culture, politics, sociology and philosophy.

Publisher profile: ISBN Edizioni

Johan & Levi Editore

Monza, Italy

Publisher focused on modern and contemporary art books, artists, monographs, biographies, culture and non-fiction books. Italian-English bilingual production.

Publisher profile: Johan & Levi Editore

Hopefulmonster Editore s.r.l.

Torino, Italy

The publishing activity of Hopefulmonster started from the vocation for the contemporary art theory's study, and went through it with philosophical-scientific essays and artistic expressions-specialized in visual contemporary art. Hopefulmonster publishes artists books, monographs, exhibition cat...

Publisher profile: Hopefulmonster Editore s.r.l.

Falzea Editore

Reggio Calabria, Italy

Falzea Editore has dedicated a special interest to the most brlliant contemporary writers and illustrators of fairy tales; that is why four collections - Mediterranea, Quadrotti, Il Melograno and Falchi - were created and exclusively dedicated to young readers.

Publisher profile: Falzea Editore

7 publishers in the the directory of contemporary publishing companies of Italy
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