Literary Fiction Publishers' Directory of Italy

Listing all 3 Literary Fiction publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Literary Fiction Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all literary fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Literary Fiction' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Simonelli Editore srl

Milano, Italy

Founded in october 1995 Simonelli Editore from the beginning looked at the digital future of the publishing industry.

Publisher profile: Simonelli Editore srl

ISBN Edizioni

Milano, Italy

Founded in 2004, it is a publishing house of contemporary and young literary fiction from all over the world. Its non-fiction includes pop culture, politics, sociology and philosophy.

Publisher profile: ISBN Edizioni

TZLA Trentin & Zantedeschi Literary and Film Agency

Piovene Rocchette, Italy

T&Z represents publishers and authors in Italy and worldwide, either direct or through subagents. Our main areas of interest are commercial and literary fiction and quality nonfiction (biography/autobiography, science, current affairs, business, film, media and pop culture, music, health, self-he...

Publisher profile: TZLA Trentin & Zantedeschi Literary and Film Agency

3 publishers in the the directory of literary fiction publishing companies of Italy
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