Comics Publishers' Directory of Italy

Listing all 4 Comics publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Comics Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all comics publishers' directory. Remove 'Comics' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

COMIX Franco Cosimo Panini Editore

Modena, Italy

Agendas, comics and humour books.

Publisher profile: COMIX Franco Cosimo Panini Editore

Edizioni BD

Milano, Italy

Edizioni BD has six labels covering every kind of comics and books: Alta Fedeltà (original productions), Supersonic (U.S. comics), Francophone (Franco-Belgian), Stroriedisegni (essays), J-Pop (Far Eastern titles) and Novel featuring Lansdale, Moore and others).

Publisher profile: Edizioni BD

Il Giornalino Periodici San Paolo s.r.l

Milano, Italy

Il Giornalino is one of Italy's most populr weekly magazines for children aged 8 to 13. Draw on the idea that learning can be fun using comics strips and creativity.

Publisher profile: Il Giornalino Periodici San Paolo s.r.l

Andrea Ferrari Group

Modena, Italy

Avant-garde publishing socially responsible Andrea Ferrari Group publish: 1) Ethic books for children 2) Photographic limited hand numbered books with prints 3) Cookbooks 4) Comics, and Cartoon! Ebook available on Apple's Ibookstore

Publisher profile: Andrea Ferrari Group

4 publishers in the the directory of comics publishing companies of Italy
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