Specialized in the production of books and didactical material (CD-ROM's, audio and video cassettes) for learning Italian as a foreign language, from beginner to advanced level, for children and adults.
Publisher profile: Guerra Edizioni
Literary fiction, travel books, essays, politics, economics, psychology, human sciences.
Publisher profile: Ponte alle Grazie s.r.l.
Scientific, university, cultural, religious essays, textbooks, magazines.
Publisher profile: Vita e Pensiero-Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica
Riteniamo giusto essere orgogliosi del nostro passato, di una storia editoriale che parte dalla metà dell’Ottocento e affonda le sue radici nell’arte dell’innovazione tipografica e nella cura del prodotto editoriale. La storia delle Edizioni EL, oggi la piú importante casa editrice italiana speci...
Publisher profile: Edizioni EL - Emme Edizioni - Einaudi Ragazzi
Italian and foreign fiction, essays, archaeology, miscellaneous, art books, quality trade edition in modern culture field.
Publisher profile: Longanesi & C. S.p.A.
Social and human sciences, history, economics, anthropology Scientific books in philosophy, mathematics, biology, physics, computer science. Complete works of S. Freud and C.G. Jung. Literary fiction.
Publisher profile: Bollati Boringhieri Editore srl
Babalibri started in 1999 to publish fully coloured pictures books created by worldwide famous leading artists and to develop, stimulate and improve children's creativity. Babalibri also organizes reading workshops with schools and libraries.
Publisher profile: Babalibri S.R.L.
Our publishing house is engaged to spread significant words for helping and giving joy, especially in psychological, spiritual contents and themes about family and communication.
Publisher profile: Effatà Editrice
Contemporary Art books. Catalogues and Artists' books, Essayes and Monographies
Publisher profile: a+mbookstore edizioni
Architecture, art and archeology, catalogues of exhibitions, museums and galleries, lifestyle, history, coffee table books, nature, science, gardening, pets, collectable, travel guides, food and drinks, art and crafts, health, fitness, sport.
Publisher profile: Mondadori Electa SpA