Publishing Companies of Italy

Listing 31 to 40 of 245 Italian Publishing Houses

Page 4 of 25 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Italian Publishers Directory


Milano, Italy

Publisher profile: ARTE


Rome, Italy

Photography, illustrated books, monographs. Contrasto, founded in Italy in 1995, has become a leading publisher of superior photography books. Its mission is to create, publish, and distribute the finest in photographic culture around the world.

Publisher profile: Contrasto

Edizioni Piemme SpA

Casale MTO, Italy

Fiction and non-fiction, children's books, religious books.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Piemme SpA

Maurizio Corraini srl

Mantova, Italy

Born beside the activity of the homonymous 30-years-old art gallery, is one of the most refined and original examples of high publishing, both on the national and international level. Our publishing activity deals in particular with the fields of illustration, design and children's books.

Publisher profile: Maurizio Corraini srl

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore

Segrate-Milano, Italy

Publishers of fiction and non-fiction. Italian and foreign literature, biographies, travel, art, philosophy and criticism, children, politics, critiques.

Publisher profile: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore


Milano, Italy

Scholarly, educational and professional books and journal in economics, management, law, political and social sciences

Publisher profile: Egea

Edizioni E/O

Roma, Italy

Recently published authors: Belli, Brandys, Haushofer, Hein, Hrabal, Gutierrez, Izzo, de Prada, Moser, Oates, O'Brien O'Brien, Pynchon, Tammuz, Wolf, Sebold, Schmitt, Braucci, Carlotto, Condé, Heinichen, Chimenti, Licbrecht, Aleksievic, Achebe, Kourouma.

Publisher profile: Edizioni E/O

Orecchio Acerbo Editore

Roma, Italy

Established in december 2001, Orecchio Acerbo publishes illustrated books for children featuring well-known illustrators and a careful and aware graphic design.

Publisher profile: Orecchio Acerbo Editore

Raffaello Cortinà Editore

Milano, Italy

Psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy and science, social and human sciences, law, medicine.

Publisher profile: Raffaello Cortinà Editore

Sellerio Editore

Palermo, Italy

Anthropology, archaeology, arts, fiction, history, literature, semiotics, sociology.

Publisher profile: Sellerio Editore

245 publishing companies in the directory of Italian publishers

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