Publishing Companies of Italy

Listing 11 to 20 of 245 Italian Publishing Houses

Page 2 of 25 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Italian Publishers Directory

Editori Laterza

Roma-Bari, Italy

Academic and general books, classics and paperbacks on history, philosophy, human sciences, politics, economics, sociology, architecture. Schoolbooks. World rights of the works by E. Garin, L. Benevolo, U. Eco, G. Duby, R. Dahrendorf, J. Le Goff etc.

Publisher profile: Editori Laterza

Astorina SRL

Milano, Italy

Astorina srl. was founded by Angela and Luciana Giussani in 1962, and since then publishes, with a great success, the adventures of their character Diabolik. Diabolik it's for sale in newspaper stand with three monthly issues.

Publisher profile: Astorina SRL

Edizioni Erickson

Gardolo, Italy

Since 1984 Edizioni Erickson has been concerned with the education and inclusion of people with developmental and learning disabilities, psychology and social work publishing books, journals, software and online services.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Erickson

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore Srl

Milano, Italy

Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction: anthropology, cyber studies, sociology, sciences, Pocket books: classics, non-fiction, sciences, children's books.

Publisher profile: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore Srl

Bonfirraro editore

Barrafranca, Italy

Independent publishing house founded in 1986. Quality Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction. History, archieology and poetry. Among the main players in the Italian book market in terms of quality, visibility and media coverage.

Publisher profile: Bonfirraro editore

CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Uff. Pubblicazioni e Informzioni Scientifiche

Roma, Italy

CNR produces publications in the fields of science, arts and humanities and social sciences. Besides the printed publications, CNR produces online databases on research projects founded by the organisation.

Publisher profile: CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Uff. Pubblicazioni e Informzioni Scientifiche


Torino, Italy

Founded in 1976, EDT publishes music books, travel literature, carnet de voyage and children's books. It publishes the Italian edition of the Lonely Planet guides and distributes, in Italy, the foreign editions of them.

Publisher profile: EDT Srl

Amadeus the italian classical music magazine

Milano, Italy

Amadeus isa classical music monthly magazine.

Publisher profile: Amadeus the italian classical music magazine

Mondadori Education

Milano, Italy

Mondadori Education is the wholly owned subsidiary of the Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Group,entirely devoted to educational content: print and digital Primary and K12 texbooks, dictionaries, higher educ

Publisher profile: Mondadori Education

Società editrice il Mulino

Bologna, Italy

Books and journals in economics, history, law, political and social sciences, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, religion.

Publisher profile: Società editrice il Mulino

245 publishing companies in the directory of Italian publishers

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