Political Science Publishers' Directory of France

Listing all 2 Political Science publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Political Science Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all political science publishers' directory. Remove 'Political Science' filter to see the list of all French publishers


Paris, France

Portal of journals in social sciences. Cairn.info est né de la volonté de quatre maisons d'édition (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte et Erès) ayant en charge la publication et la diffusion de revues de sciences humaines et sociales, d’unir leurs efforts pour améliorer leur présence sur l’Interne...

Publisher profile: CAIRN

Nouveau Monde Editions

Paris, France

History / biographies, cinema and media historical novels.

Publisher profile: Nouveau Monde Editions

2 publishers in the the directory of political science publishing companies of France
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