Fiction Publishers' Directory of France

Listing 1 to 10 of 37 Fiction publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 1 of 4 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Fiction Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Fiction' filter to see the list of all French publishers


Paris, France

Wide range of titles, early learning books, picture books, fiction, activity books, nature books, high quality children's non fiction series, pedagogy and psychology books.

Publisher profile: Nathan

Editions Du Rouergue

Rodez, France

Since 1993 our high quality illustrated books and fiction have won a large readership and have acquired a worldwide notoriety.

Publisher profile: Editions Du Rouergue

Pocket A Publisher of Univers Poche

Paris, France

Editeur généraliste de littérature de poche en fiction et non-fiction: roman, thriller, policier, classique, document et essai, biographie, spiritualité, psychopratique, science-fiction et fantasy, méthodes d'autoapprentissage de langues.

Publisher profile: Pocket A Publisher of Univers Poche

Editions Milan

Toulouse, France

Children: board books, pre-school, picture books, nature and environment, reference, fiction, sport, dictionaries, educational CD-ROM's. 18 magazines for children, 2 adult magazines, 2 magazines on CD-ROMs. Adults: educational, high quality photographic books.

Publisher profile: Editions Milan

Éditions Zulma

Paris, France

Small publishing house founded in 1991 and specialised in high quality fiction and non fiction , French contemporary and translated literature (especially novels, short stories, "romans noirs" and detective novels)

Publisher profile: Éditions Zulma

Hachette Jeunesse/Children'S Fiction And Young Adult Literature

Paris, France

Novelisations, fiction series, classic literature, young adult literature.

Publisher profile: Hachette Jeunesse/Children'S Fiction And Young Adult Literature

Plon Jeunesse

Paris, France

Juvenile fiction tailor-made for adolescents with books that speak their language. For age 11 to young adulthood, Plon Jeunesse publishes novels that mirror teenage interests, with heroes they can identify with, as well as non-fiction titles that deal frankly with their questions - serious and fu...

Publisher profile: Plon Jeunesse


Paris, France

Documents d'actualité, essais, biographies, bien-être et religion. Fiction commerciale (dont romans historiques, thrillers) et fiction littéraire, littérature étrangère, jeunesse.

Publisher profile: Plon

Editions Jean-Claude Lattès

Paris, France

French and foreign fiction and non-fiction. Literary fiction, historical fiction, commercial fiction, and thrillers. Popular science, history and psychology; health, essays and current affairs.

Publisher profile: Editions Jean-Claude Lattès


Paris, France

Publishers of quality fiction, art, photography, children's books, lifestyle, cooking, home and garden, social sciences, biography, documents, medical reference. Imprints include: Arthaud, Aubier, Champs, La Maison Rustique, Père Castor, Pygmalion.

Publisher profile: Flammarion

37 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies of France
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