Business Publishers' Directory of France

Listing all 2 Business publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Business Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all business publishers' directory. Remove 'Business' filter to see the list of all French publishers

Dunod Editeur

Paris, France

Publisher of professional and academic books on sciences and technology, computers, business and management, economics, psychology, psychotherapy, medico-social and fundamental and applied sciences.

Publisher profile: Dunod Editeur

AFNOR Éditions

La Plaine Saint-Denis, France

AFNOR Éditions publishes business books in various fields (management, strategy, quality, risk management, project management, sustainable development...) and editorial solutions (paper and online) related to French and international standards.

Publisher profile: AFNOR Éditions

2 publishers in the the directory of business publishing companies of France
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