Portal of journals in social sciences. Cairn.info est né de la volonté de quatre maisons d'édition (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte et Erès) ayant en charge la publication et la diffusion de revues de sciences humaines et sociales, d’unir leurs efforts pour améliorer leur présence sur l’Interne...
Publisher profile: CAIRN
List of other Political science publishers in France
CFR publishes reports and papers for the interested public, the academic community, and foreign policy experts. The full text of these publications, as well as excerpts from books by CFR fellows, are available on CFR.org.
Publisher profile: Council on Foreign Relations Press
List of other Political science publishers in United States
SAGE is a leading independent, academic and professional publisher of innovative, high-quality content. Known for our commitment to quality and innovation, SAGE has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers, and students across a broad range of subject area
Publisher profile: SAGE Publications Inc
List of other Political science publishers in United States
Als Stiftung der Sozialen Demokratie publiziert die FES Bücher, Zeitschriften, Gutachten, Analysen und Einzelstudien zu nationalen und internationalen Problemen der Politik, Gesellschaft, Geschichte, Kultur, Ökologie, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Medien.
Publisher profile: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
List of other Political science publishers in Germany
Independent publishing house founded in 1986. Quality Italian and foreign fiction and non-fiction. History, archieology and poetry. Among the main players in the Italian book market in terms of quality, visibility and media coverage.
Publisher profile: Bonfirraro editore
List of other Political science publishers in Italy
One of the largest Publisher in Turkey with many books ranging from novels to cartoons, Destek Publishing distinguishes itself with its swift digitalisation and best selling books. Destek Publishes more than 10 books a month.
Publisher profile: Destek Publishing
List of other Political science publishers in Turkey
Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House (MLBD) is a leading Indian publisher on Sanskrit and Indology since 1903, located in New Delhi, India. It publishes and distributes serials, monographs, and scholarly publications on Asian religion, philosophy, history, and other related subjects.
Publisher profile: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House (MLBD)
List of other Political science publishers in India
A nonprofit publisher in the humanities and social sciences, known for nonfiction books in sociology, community based arts and culture, urban issues, sustainable design, and participatory planning. Many New Village Press authors lead movements in social and environmental justice.
Publisher profile: New Village Press
List of other Political science publishers in United States
Publisher of The Montreal Review Magazine
Publisher profile: T.S.Tsonchev Publishing & Design
List of other Political science publishers in Canada
Publishes scholarly titles
Publisher profile: State University of New York Press (SUNY Press)
List of other Political science publishers in United States