Psychology Publishers' Directory of France

Listing all 3 Psychology publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Psychology Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all psychology publishers' directory. Remove 'Psychology' filter to see the list of all French publishers


Paris, France

Wide range of titles, early learning books, picture books, fiction, activity books, nature books, high quality children's non fiction series, pedagogy and psychology books.

Publisher profile: Nathan

Editions Stock

Paris, France

Created in 1708, one of the oldest publishers in France. French and foreign fiction and non-fiction. Literary fiction, commercial fiction, thrillers and biographies. Essays on politics, history, philosophy, psychology and current affairs.

Publisher profile: Editions Stock


We create and distribute : audiobooks, synchronized (text and audio) books and e-books.For CD we have a secondary website : -

Publisher profile:

3 publishers in the the directory of psychology publishing companies of France
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