Fiction Publishers' Directory of France

Listing 11 to 20 of 37 Fiction publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 2 of 4 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'Fiction Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Fiction' filter to see the list of all French publishers

Éditions Le Dilettante

Paris, France

Since 1985 le Dilettante publishes a restricted and select number of books, about twelve per year, and is regarded as one of the finest French publishers of contemporary fiction, very well cared and presented books.

Publisher profile: Éditions Le Dilettante

Atelier du Père Castor Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group

Paris, France

Publishers of children's quality picture books, board books, activity and gift books, junior and teenage fiction.

Publisher profile: Atelier du Père Castor Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group

Le Pommier Editions

Paris, France

Specialized in scientific popularisation, Le Pommier publishes three collections for children aged from 3 to 15: one of fiction (Romans and Plus Junior), one of documentary (Les Minipommes) and one of albums (Les Albums du Pommier).

Publisher profile: Le Pommier Editions

Editions Le Pommier

Paris, France

Publishing house dedicated to science and philosophy. We aim to make accessible complex scientific concepts and help decipher social issues, by publishing essays, reference books, educational manuals, as well as fiction and popular science, and, since recently, children books.

Publisher profile: Editions Le Pommier

Presses de la Cité Place des Editeurs

Paris, France

Romans grand public, aventures, policiers, science fiction, documents, mémoires, ouvrages de guerre.

Publisher profile: Presses de la Cité Place des Editeurs

Editions Stock

Paris, France

Created in 1708, one of the oldest publishers in France. French and foreign fiction and non-fiction. Literary fiction, commercial fiction, thrillers and biographies. Essays on politics, history, philosophy, psychology and current affairs.

Publisher profile: Editions Stock


Nîmes, France

Through fiction and non-fiction authors and illustrators from the whole Europe and Africa tell and reveal the world in its beauty and its difficulties: the world is a village and Europe a house with many flats.

Publisher profile: Grandir

Galaade Editions

Paris, France

Since its foundation in 2005, Galaade Editions has published fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Galaade Editions

Univers Poche

Paris, France

ler éditeur de livres au format poche avec 5 marques aux lignes éditoriales complémentaires: POCKET, 10/18, Pocket-Jeunesse, Fleuve Noir, Kurokawa couvrant tous les genres littéraires, de la fiction à la non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Univers Poche

Editions Héloïse d'Ormesson

Paris, France

The brand new Editions Héloïse d'Ormesson will publish around 20 titles a year: fiction and non-fiction, half French, half foreign books.

Publisher profile: Editions Héloïse d'Ormesson

37 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies of France
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