Plume de Carotte tells stories about plants and human being, for children and grown up: experiments, cooking, hobbies, travels, art gardening....
Publisher profile: Plume De Carotte
Livres d'art et beaux-livres, photo.
Publisher profile: Editions Marval Edigroup
Spécialités: arts, architecture, urbanisme, photograpie, musiques, sciences humaines. Collections: 'Eupalinos' 'Diasporales' 'Parcours Méditeranéens'
Publisher profile: Editions Parenthèses
Crowdbooks marries the power of crowd-funding with a passionate community of artists to create a revolutionary new platform for Photo/ Art books. This model will merge talented photo artists and passionate supporters of the arts with a quality-focused independent publisher. The innovative concept...
Publisher profile: Crowdbooks Publishing
Publisher of high quality illustrated books on photography and art, artists books, art and science books, photo journalism.
Publisher profile: Editions Xavier Barral
Our illustrated books explore the links between picture and words in a constant concern for quality, through a carefull page make-up. As, for us, photography can get on with all the genres: social sciences, art history, architecture or literature.
Publisher profile: Le Bec en l'Air Editions
The Editions Diane de Selliers are an independent art publisher which produces high quality illustrates art books; a very original, fine and in-depth iconographic research accompanies founder texts of Western, Eastern and Far-Eastern literature.
Publisher profile: Editions Diane de Selliers
Editeur de livres de médecine, vétérinaire, sport, fitness, bricolage, arts décoratifs, vie pratique, guides de voyage, hippologie, infirmiéres, cuisine et jardinage.
Publisher profile: Editions Vigot Editions Maloine
General publisher for adult fiction, non-fiction and art books.
Publisher profile: Editions Télémaque
Editeur de livres autour de la cuisine, beaux-arts et mémoires.
Publisher profile: Editions Stéphane Bachès