Sports Publishers' Directory of United Kingdom

Listing 11 to 15 of 15 Sports publishers listed in the British publishers directories

Page 2 of 2 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of United Kingdom that are listed under 'Sports Publishers. Remove 'United Kingdom' filter to see all sports publishers' directory. Remove 'Sports' filter to see the list of all British publishers

Pilgrim Book Seervices Ltd.

Woodbridge, United Kingdom

Publishers of the'Pilgrims Guide' Series, travel guides to places of Christian pilgrimage. <br />Other genres include Football, History.

Publisher profile: Pilgrim Book Seervices Ltd.

Apple Press Ltd

London, United Kingdom

Leading UK publisher of highly illustrated non-fiction books with particular emphasis on cookery, the home, craft and hobbies, sports and leisure, lifestyle, gardening and general interest. The hallmarks of Apple's books are clear, reliable and accessible content with fresh, modern design and stu...

Publisher profile: Apple Press Ltd

Green Umbrella Publishing

Swindon, United Kingdom

Green Umbrella Publishing are a fast growing independent producing fantastic sports and special interest book and books plus packages.

Publisher profile: Green Umbrella Publishing

GA&P ePublishing

Shefford, United Kingdom

Whether you are an established author, an aspiring author or a traditional publisher we can e publish your work within 30 days of submission to over 100 distributors including Apple iBookstore, Amazon, Android, Foyles, Tesco, Kobo, The Book Depository, WH Smiths covering a consumer market of over...

Publisher profile: GA&P ePublishing

Readers Union Bookclubs David & Charles Publishers

Newton Abbot, United Kingdom

Group of book clubs covering needle-crafts with cross stitch craft, puzzles, photography, woodworking and home building, equestrians gardening, angling, practical art, country sports and living.

Publisher profile: Readers Union Bookclubs David & Charles Publishers

15 publishers in the the directory of sports publishing companies of United Kingdom
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