Teaching Publishers' Directory of United Kingdom

Listing 1 to 10 of 18 Teaching publishers listed in the British publishers directories

Page 1 of 2 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of United Kingdom that are listed under 'Teaching Publishers. Remove 'United Kingdom' filter to see all teaching publishers' directory. Remove 'Teaching' filter to see the list of all British publishers

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Cambridge University Press is a department of the University of Cambridge and is both an academic and educational publisher. With a global sales presence, publishing hubs, and offices in more than 40 countries, it publishes over 50,000 titles by authors from over 100 countries. Its publishing inc...

Publisher profile: Cambridge University Press

Jolly Learning Ltd

Essex, United Kingdom

We publish the Jolly Phonics programme for the early teaching of reading and writing.

Publisher profile: Jolly Learning Ltd

Express Publishing

Newbury Berkshire, United Kingdom

Publisher of English language teaching material. Highly illustrated course books, grammar books, exam material, listening and speaking material, graded readers with fully-dramatised audio and video cassettes, writing skills books, audio CD, video/DVD.

Publisher profile: Express Publishing

Garnet Education

Reading, United Kingdom

Garnet Education is British ELT publisher with 35 years' experience publishing English-language materials around the world. An excellent reputation for innovation and in-depth research into the teaching needs of schools and universities.

Publisher profile: Garnet Education

Independence Educational Publishers

Cambridge, United Kingdom

For more than 30 years, Independence Educational Publishers have been producing books for schools on contemporary issues affecting society and young people.

Publisher profile: Independence Educational Publishers

Backbeat Books

London, United Kingdom

Publishers of high quality illustrated books on music. From artist profiles, music genre guides, and listening companions to instrument makers histories, and teaching aids.

Publisher profile: Backbeat Books

Delta ELT Publishing

Peaslake, United Kingdom

Publishers of English Language Teaching (ELT) materials for young learners, business English and teacher resources and methodology.

Publisher profile: Delta ELT Publishing

Guinea Pig Education

New Haw, United Kingdom

Guinea Pig Education is an educational publisher of work books in English and maths, for use at primary and secondary levels. We offer a NEW, fresh and exciting approach to learning, which parents, teachers and even kids trust and which has proved highly successful over the years. Guinea Pig book...

Publisher profile: Guinea Pig Education

Memoirs Books Autobiography Publishers

Cirencester, United Kingdom

Memoirs Books lead the way in publishing in the UK by helping authors develop and publish high-quality, saleable autobiography books. We offer exceptional editing, design, printing, publishing, distribution and book marketing services. The process starts with a free assessment of your manuscript.

Publisher profile: Memoirs Books Autobiography Publishers

Hillside Publishing

London, United Kingdom

Hillside Publishing specializes in publishing, English language teaching materials for learners of English as a foreign language.

Publisher profile: Hillside Publishing

18 publishers in the the directory of teaching publishing companies of United Kingdom
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