Sports Publishers' Directory

Listing 1 to 10 of 143 Sports publishing companies

Page 1 of 15 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of sports publishers. To view a list of sports publishing companies by country please select a country.


Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Leading daily sports newspaper in France (400.000 copies/day) has developed a publishing department. Reference books, illustrated in fields like football, cycling, formula 1 etc.

Publisher profile: L'Equipe
List of other Sports publishers in France


Mainz, Germany

Erleben Sie das TV-Programm und alle Sendungen des Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens ZDF ständig verfügbar und interaktiv - mit Serien, Shows & Dokumentationen.

Publisher profile: ZDF
List of other Sports publishers in Germany

Human Kinetics

Champaign, United States

A publisher of numerous sports and recreation resources including books and videos.

Publisher profile: Human Kinetics
List of other Sports publishers in United States

ACER Press

Camberwell, Australia

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is one of the world's leading educational research centres, committed to creating and distributing research-based knowledge, products and services to improve learning across the lifespan in both formal and informal settings. ACER is a not-for...

Publisher profile: ACER Press
List of other Sports publishers in Australia

evo Publications

London, United Kingdom

evo is the world’s leading sports, performance and premium car magazine brand.

Publisher profile: evo Publications
List of other Sports publishers in United Kingdom


Paris, France

Portal of journals in social sciences. est né de la volonté de quatre maisons d'édition (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte et Erès) ayant en charge la publication et la diffusion de revues de sciences humaines et sociales, d’unir leurs efforts pour améliorer leur présence sur l’Interne...

Publisher profile: CAIRN
List of other Sports publishers in France

Delta Tre Informatica

Provides real time results, TV graphics services, timing, internet support, media broadcasting, and participant accreditation to the sports industry.

Publisher profile: Delta Tre Informatica

BookLife Publishing Ltd

We're an independent children's publisher based in King's Lynn, Norfolk. We love to publish children's fiction an non-fiction from Why Do I Poo to Pigs Might Fly and many other books that combine education and entertainment. We always strive to produce the highest quality children's books possible.

Publisher profile: BookLife Publishing Ltd

Kennes Editions

General publisher of comics, novels and non-fiction books.

Publisher profile: Kennes Editions

Newsdesk, features, archives (from "Sport Business Magazine"), global directory, Sport Business careers, events, PR, media pack. Part of Sports Business International.

Publisher profile:

143 publishers in the the directory of sports publishing companies

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