Medical Publishers' Directory of United Kingdom

Listing 1 to 10 of 22 Medical publishers listed in the British publishers directories

Page 1 of 3 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of United Kingdom that are listed under 'Medical Publishers. Remove 'United Kingdom' filter to see all medical publishers' directory. Remove 'Medical' filter to see the list of all British publishers

BioMed Central

London, United Kingdom

An online journal publishing peer-reviewed research across all areas of biology and medicine with immediate, barrier-free access for all, plus commentary, reviews, collaboration tools, and database links.

Publisher profile: BioMed Central

Oxford University Press (Journals)

United Kingdom

Oxford University Press (OUP) publishes the highest quality journals and delivers this research to the widest possible audience. We achieve this by working closely with our society partners, authors, and subscribers in order to provide them with publishing services that support their research needs.

Publisher profile: Oxford University Press (Journals)

The Lancet

London, United Kingdom

The Lancet has evolved as a family of journals (across Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Respiratory Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Psychiatry, HIV, Haematology, and Global Health) and as an idea that transcends journals.

Publisher profile: The Lancet

Euromed Communications

United Kingdom

Euromed Communications is an independent publishing company focused on Pharmaceutical and Medical Books, e-books and e-journals. Our flagship journal the Industrial Pharmacy (IP) is distributed worldwide quarterly to the members of the FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation).

Publisher profile: Euromed Communications

EBN Health

Witney, United Kingdom

Evidence-based Networks Ltd (EBN) was founded in 2013 by Duncan Enright, and is an expert team of dedicated specialists with a global reach and a drive to help improve healthcare through better use of evidence, best practice, information and communication.

Publisher profile: EBN Health

STM International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers

Oxford, United Kingdom

STM is an international association of about 100 scientific, technical, medical and scholarly publishers, collectively responsible for more than 60% of the global annual output of research articles.

Publisher profile: STM International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers

Living Time Books

London, United Kingdom

Launching volumes by new authors as well as fully revised editions of valuable works from the past, Living Time™ Books is a UK Publishing House that has been releasing titles across all genres since 1999. LTB™ publishes works in Paperback, Hardback, Audio and in All Major eBook formats.

Publisher profile: Living Time Books

multi-science publishing co ltd

brentwood, United Kingdom

Publishing peer reviewed journals chiefly in engineering and applied science, Multi-Science is one of the very few remaining independently owned STM publishers. The company's directors are keen that access to learning be readily available, and have backed this for years with a policy of publ...

Publisher profile: multi-science publishing co ltd

Artech House Books

London, United Kingdom

Recognised as a leading publisher of quality professional books for engineers and managers in high-technology fields ranging from biomedical engineering and nanotechnology to defense electronics, microwaves, and communications security.

Publisher profile: Artech House Books

AHRO Scientific Publishing Ltd

Glasgow, United Kingdom

AHRO Scientific Publishing Ltd is a science, technology, and medical (STM) publisher, providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with the latest information in diverse fields of science and technology. Our peer-reviewed scholarly journals and books have an ever-increasing readership

Publisher profile: AHRO Scientific Publishing Ltd

22 publishers in the the directory of medical publishing companies of United Kingdom
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