Educational books, reference books, cartography. Spanish as a foreign language.
Publisher profile: Santillana Ediciones Educativas
Editorial especializada en Estudios Hispánicos e Iberoamericanos: Historia crítica de la literatura, lingüística, historia y sociedad. Distribuidora especializada en servir a bibliotecas en todo el Mundo. Librería.
Publisher profile: Iberoamericana de Libros y Ediciones, S.L.
Educational books, Spanish, English and French as a foreign language. Spanish adult literature, children's and young adult literature, e-learning. Reference and trade books.
Publisher profile: Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S.L.
Publishing house specialized in the world of religions, from an accurate, open and completely indepedent point of view, whose aim is making people know the religious diversity existing, the great texts originated from religions, and sound studies dedicated to these themes.
Publisher profile: Fragmenta Editorial S.L.L.
Combel Editorial és un segell que des de l’any 1989 edita llibres il·lustrats per a nens i nenes amb la intenció de posar al seu abast uns materials de qualitat que els acompanyin en la seva formació com a lectors. El nostre catàleg comprèn un ventall molt ampli de títols, des dels llibres de ...
Publisher profile: Combel Editorial
Publisher profile: El Cep i la Nansa Edicions
Books on the outdoors, sports, (golf, chess, sailing, fishing, cycling, football, riding, pilates, martial arts, hunting, sport medicine, etc.) astronomy, gardening, art and craft techniques, cookery, pets, self-help and sports videos & DVDs.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Tutor, S A
Sellos editoriales especializados en infantil y juvenil.
Publisher profile: Editorial Planeta, S.A. - Área Infantil-Juvenil Timun Mas/Yoyo Destino Infantil & Juvenil