Content Licensing Companies of Spain

Listing all 3 Spanish content licensing companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Spanish companies offering content licensing services to the publishing industry listed in the directory of content licensing companies of Spain. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering content licensing services to the publishing industry

RollingWords Agency

Barcelona, Spain

The most characteristic thing about Rolling Words is our passion for good stories, talents eager to tell and the multiformat field. This means transferring words to audiovisual media, contemplating television, cinema, documentaries, podcasts... We firmly believe that stories need to go around a thou

Profile of: RollingWords Agency, Barcelona, Spain
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Asociación Galega de Editoras

Santiago De Compostela, Spain

Our aim is the protection, promotion and dissemination of the Galician books

Profile of: Asociación Galega de Editoras, Santiago De Compostela, Spain
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Banco de Imágenes Vegap

Madrid, Spain

Vegap Image Bank offers the works of Spanish contemporary artists. The web site ( featuring a search engine, light boxes and a form to request licensing rights and digital archives online, turns our site into a useful tool for image searchers seeking a fast and efficient service.

Profile of: Banco de Imágenes Vegap, Madrid, Spain
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