Publishing Companies of Spain

Listing 191 to 200 of 297 Spanish Publishing Houses

Page 20 of 30 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Spanish Publishers Directory

Loft Publications

Barcelona, Spain

Illustrated books on architecture, interior design, decorating and lifestyle.

Publisher profile: Loft Publications

Elkarlanean S.L.

Donostia, Spain

Elkar argitaletxea is specialised in creating Basque literature for adults, young people and children and publish education textbooks. Elkar is also a record company, editing the most varied kinds of music produced by Basques.

Publisher profile: Elkarlanean S.L.

Edicións Positivas

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Publisher profile: Edicións Positivas

Editorial Corimbo S L

Barcelona, Spain

Publisher profile: Editorial Corimbo S L

Edicións do Cumio

Vilaboa, Spain

Edicións do Cumio is a galician publisher. We make maps and guides about Galicia, books for children, dictionaries and grammar books. We mostly publish in galician language (galego). We also publish music and multimedia books.

Publisher profile: Edicións do Cumio

Ir Indo Edicións S.L.

Vigo, Spain

Publisher profile: Ir Indo Edicións S.L.

ING Edicions SL

Barcelona, Spain

ING Edicions edita cuentos ilustrados para ninos/as de nueva creación y tambien tiene la biblioteca tradicional colección que recupera cuentos del pasado clasicos ilustrados para los ninos de hoy tambien, libros educativos para padres y maestres.

Publisher profile: ING Edicions SL

Pagès Editors, S.L.

Lleida, Spain

Publisher profile: Pagès Editors, S.L.

Patrimonio Ediciones

Valencia, Spain

Facsimile edition of medieval manuscripts.

Publisher profile: Patrimonio Ediciones


Barcelona, Spain

Actar is a Barcelona and New York based publisher of groundbreaking books in architecture, graphic design, and contemporary art. Our publishing program is focused on the works of established and emerging architects, designers, and photographers. Actar-D distributes Actar publications catalogue al...

Publisher profile: Actar/Actar-D

297 publishing companies in the directory of Spanish publishers

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