E-Book Publishers

Listing 541 to 550 of 1202 E-book publishing companies

Page 55 of 121 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of e-book publishers. To view a list of e-book publishing companies by country please select a country.

Derin Kitap

Istanbul, Turkey

Publishing transleted books for Turkish and publishing some books that wroten by domestic autors in Turkey.

Publisher profile: Derin Kitap
List of other E-book publishers in Turkey

Berlitz A Langenscheidt company

Singapore, Singapore

Publisher of the world's best selling pocket travel guide series & market-leading language references in print, cassette, & CD formats including Berlitz Pocket Travel Guides, Berlitz Phrase Books, & Berlitz Bilingual Dictionaries.

Publisher profile: Berlitz A Langenscheidt company
List of other E-book publishers in Singapore

Edition Lammerhuber

Baden, Austria

Coffee table books about art, culture, architecture, history, museum, opera, photography and science.

Publisher profile: Edition Lammerhuber
List of other E-book publishers in Austria

NIAS Press

Copenhagen, Denmark

Scholarly publisher of books mainly on Southeast and East Asia in history and the social sciences.

Publisher profile: NIAS Press
List of other E-book publishers in Denmark

DangerSpot Books Ltd.

Woodbridge, United Kingdom

children's picture books with safety stickers helping to prevent accidents within the home and elsewhere.

Publisher profile: DangerSpot Books Ltd.
List of other E-book publishers in United Kingdom

Kniga po Trebovaniy

Moscow, Russia

Kniga po Trebovaniy or (Book on Demand) is a leading Russian POD company with printing and distribution business in Moscow Russia. Company has over 10,000 titls with rights for global distribution.

Publisher profile: Kniga po Trebovaniy
List of other E-book publishers in Russia

Arcanum Fantasy Verlag Lars Gogolin u. Jens Salzmann

Dortmund, Germany

Verlag für Fantasy und Phantastik

Publisher profile: Arcanum Fantasy Verlag Lars Gogolin u. Jens Salzmann
List of other E-book publishers in Germany

Kein & Aber Verlag

Zurich, Switzerland

Publisher profile: Kein & Aber Verlag
List of other E-book publishers in Switzerland

Incline Press

Hand-made books for the reader who collects and the collector who reads.

Publisher profile: Incline Press

Editions Memo

Nantes, France

Editions Memo publishes books created by artists for children. They focus on quality in contents as well as realization of the book as an object. Contemporary writers and illustrators are published, along with historical masterpieces of children literature.

Publisher profile: Editions Memo
List of other E-book publishers in France

1202 publishers in the the directory of e-book publishing companies

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