Love travel? Plan and book your perfect trip with expert advice, travel tips, destination information and inspiration from Lonely Planet.
Publisher profile: Lonely Planet Publications
Publishers of international business reference books for academic and corporate libraries. Euromonitor publishes statistical handbooks, company and information source directories.
Publisher profile: Euromonitor International
Usborne Publishing is the leading UK independent publishing company. We publish children's books for every age from baby to teenager. Usborne children's books are available around the world, both in English and in over 100 different languages.
Publisher profile: Usborne Publishing Limited
We spread the knowledge of innovators and expert early adopters to everyday users through our books, conferences, news reportage, videos, and classes.
Publisher profile: O’Reilly UK Ltd
Leading publisher in the chemical sciences. Undergraduate and graduate textbooks, high quality books for researches in food, environmental, polymer, materials, and biological sciences and inorganic, physical, organic and analytical chemistry.
Publisher profile: Royal Society of Chemistry
New Internationalist is a multi-award winning, independent, non-profit media co-operative. For over 40 years, we’ve specialized in investigative reporting, publishing our magazine and books on human rights, politics, social and environmental justice. Through our magazine, magazine app, publicat...
Publisher profile: New Internationalist Publications
Orbit is a leading publisher of Science Fiction and Fantasy, with imprints in the UK, US and Australia. We publish across the spectrum of Science Fiction and Fantasy - from action-packed urban fantasy to widescreen space opera; from sweeping epic adventures to near-future thrillers.
Publisher profile: Orbit Books
Worldwide educational publisher, imprints include: Addison-Wesley, Longman, Scott Foresman, Prentice Hall, Allyn and Bacon, Financial Times Prentice Hall, Peachpit Press, Benjamin Cummings, Reuters, FT.Com., and Momentum.
Publisher profile: Pearson Education Ltd
Hardback and paperback publishers of literary adult fiction, non-fiction, biography, illustrated titles, children's fiction and children's picture books.
Publisher profile: Bloomsbury Publishing plc.
International Christian Publisher with offices in the UK, USA, Australian, New Zealand, South Africa and India. Producing books and resources that are Biblical, Accessible and Relevant.
Publisher profile: The Good Book Company