India's green building Magazine, covering all the latest technologies, Interviews on Green Buildings.
Publisher profile: Inspired to be Green
List of other E-book publishers in India
Publishers of scientific and technical books, journals, and multimedia products in the areas of mathematics and computer science, including computer games and graphics.
Publisher profile: A K Peters, Ltd.
List of other E-book publishers in United States
Multilingual publishing group focussing on body, mind & spirit, business & economics, health & fitness, history, non-fiction, reference, religion, self-help & puzzle books. Own national sales force. Distribution offices in Delhi, Mumbai & Hyderabad.
Publisher profile: Orient Paperbacks
List of other E-book publishers in India
Top Publishing: The center of Thai translation textbooks. We are a publisher who produce and sell both Thai and English textbooks for students at higher education level.Children Book : Science /Experiment/Sufficiency Economics Note
Publisher profile: Top Publishing Co., Ltd.
List of other E-book publishers in Thailand
Publishers of esoteric and alternative books based in Glastonbury, England. Includes new titles section and booklists by author and by subject.
Publisher profile: Gothic Image
LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.
Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing
List of other E-book publishers in Italy
A multi-media communications company, publisher of seven magazines and publisher of Charisma House Books, offering a wide variety of topics for every Christian walk.
Publisher profile: Strang Communications
List of other E-book publishers in United States
Publisher of high quality illustrated books on photography and art, artists books, art and science books, photo journalism.
Publisher profile: Editions Xavier Barral
List of other E-book publishers in France
Oak Tree Press develops and delivers information, advice and resources for entrepreneurs and managers. It is Ireland's leading business book publisher, with an unrivalled reputation fo quality titles across business, management, HR, law, marketing and enterprise topics and a unique position in st...
Publisher profile: Oak Tree Press
List of other E-book publishers in Ireland
Healthy Learning is a multimedia publisher with books and DVDs that represent the cutting edge of information and features a content library that meets the needs of professionals in health/fitness, wellness, exercise science and sports medicine.
Publisher profile: Healthy Learning
List of other E-book publishers in United States