With TU Wien Academic Press, TU Wien Bibliothek has established the first Austrian open access publisher. It is operated as a non-profit institution. In the publishing house, e-books are published from the entire spectrum of subjects at TU Wien. The portfolio stretches from architecture to traffic,
Publisher profile: TU Wien Academic Press
Coffee table books about art, culture, architecture, history, museum, opera, photography and science.
Publisher profile: Edition Lammerhuber
Annette Betz publishes high-quality fiction and non-fiction picture books for children from 0 to 7 years: traditional as well as modern titles and illustrations, fairy tales, fables, entertaining non-fiction series about nature, animals and topics of everyday life by well known and established au...
Publisher profile: Annette Betz Verlag
Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte sind die Entwicklung, Produktion und Vermarktung von "Mobile Content". Hauptprodukt sind die von uns entwickelten MOBILEBOOKS: Literarische Anwendungen für mobile Endgeräte (Mobiltelefone, Smartphones...).
Publisher profile: Blackbetty Mobilmedia GmbH
Buchverlag für Sachbuch, Belletristik, Zeitgeschichte, Gesundheit, Religion und Esoterik.
Publisher profile: Ibera Verlag