Japanese Language Publishers

Listing 11 to 20 of 85 Japanese langauge publishing companies

Page 2 of 9 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of japanese publishers. To view a list of japanese langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Japanese books, Japanese e-books, Japanese magazines, Japanese newspapers...

Prabhat Prakashan Private Limited

New Delhi, India

Prabhat Prakashan, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, is one of the leading publishing houses in India. We have a glorious history of sixty years of publishing quality books on almost all streams.

Publisher profile: Prabhat Prakashan Private Limited
List of other Japanese language publishers in India

JY&A Media

Wellington, New Zealand

Independent publishing house founded in New Zealand with both print and online titles, and the creator and licensor of the Lucire and Autocade brands.

Publisher profile: JY&A Media
List of other Japanese language publishers in New Zealand

Cheng & Tsui Company

Boston, United States

Cheng & Tsui, an independent publisher and distributor for nearly 30 years, specializes in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Southeast Asian language learning materials, and books about Asian art, history, literature, and culture for people of all ages.

Publisher profile: Cheng & Tsui Company
List of other Japanese language publishers in United States

EMC/Paradigm Publishing

St Paul, United States

Publisher of textbooks, supplementary materials, and web-based resources for primary, secondary, and university levels in literature and language arts, Voc. Ed., office tech, allied health, and foreign languages including Symtalk.

Publisher profile: EMC/Paradigm Publishing
List of other Japanese language publishers in United States

Bungeishunju Ltd.

Tokyo, Japan

Bungeishunju Ltd. has been playing a leading role in the Japanese literary world and journalism.

Publisher profile: Bungeishunju Ltd.
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan

Discover 21, Inc.

Tokyo, Japan

A leading publisher in Japan, excelling in personal growth genre, operating in direct transaction.

Publisher profile: Discover 21, Inc.
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan

Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Inc.

Tokyo, Japan

Publishers of high quality children's picture books and unique approach non-fictions. Over 150 new titles a year including 8 series of monthlies for different ages and categories. Japan's most energetic juvenile publisher for international co-publications.

Publisher profile: Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Inc.
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan

Igaku-Shoin Ltd.

Tokyo, Japan

Publishers of books, periodicals and educational audiovisual materials for medical and nursing professionals. Importer of medical and nursing books.

Publisher profile: Igaku-Shoin Ltd.
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan

Hakusensha, Inc.

Tokyo, Japan

Hakusensha, Inc., founded in 1973, is a publishing company specialized in the girls comics and comic magazines. Also publish comics for men, art books, novels, picture books and photography. Our publications are translated in Asia, Europe and the USA.

Publisher profile: Hakusensha, Inc.
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan

Outdoor Japan Media

Outdoor Japan Media publishes TRAVELER magazine, Japan's travel and outdoor lifestyle magazine, the Japanese edition of The Surfer's Journal and Outdoor Japan Online.

Publisher profile: Outdoor Japan Media

85 publishers in the the directory of japanese langauge publishing companies

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