Offers archive of news regarding Hiroshima peace ceremonies, the war in Iraq, plus related publications.
Publisher profile: The Chugoku Shimbun
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan
Website for haiku by children from Japan, the U.S., and other countries; includes charming thumbnail sketches. Accepts haiku and drawings by children. Maintained by Ryo Suzuki. Links to Japanese version.
Publisher profile: Children's Haiku Garden
Ewing Publication is the publishing affiliate of Mason Ewing Corporation. Founded in 2021, it publishes books internationally.
Publisher profile: Ewing Publication
List of other Japanese language publishers in United States
An independent and voluntary organization funded and operated by the mass media of Japan to elevate ethical standards in reporting and protect and promote the media's common interests.
Publisher profile: Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association (Nihon Shinbun Kyokai)
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan
Offers transcriptions and original works for wind ensembles by japanese composers.
Publisher profile: Bravo Music, Inc.
Publisher profile: TSO (The Stationery Office) Publications Centre
List of other Japanese language publishers in United Kingdom
Founded in 1953.
Publisher profile: Japanese Association of Children's Book Publishers
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan
Simply Haiku publishes haiku, English haiku,tanka, renku, renga, rengay, haiga, haibun, short poetry, oriental art, Japanese haiku, Japanese poetry. A haiku electronic journal, edited by Robert Wilson and team.
Publisher profile: Simply Haiku: Quarterly Journal of Japanese Short Form Poetry
Financial news and information (English)
Publisher profile: Nikkei Net Interactive
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan
Iwasaki Publishing Co., Ltd. is one of the longest standing publishing companies for children in Japan, since 1948. Our main titles are picture books, storybooks, and materials for school library. The number of publishing books are 120-170 a year, including translation books. Our titles have won ...
Publisher profile: Iwasaki Publishing Co., Ltd.
List of other Japanese language publishers in Japan