Irish agricultural and rural information including weekly news, production, and lifestyle updates. Includes archive search facility and discussion forum.
Publisher profile: Irish Farmers Journal Interactive
List of other Irish language publishers in Ireland
Publishes poetry titles by Irish and international poets, including Adrienne Rich, Richard Tillinghast, Mary O'Malley, R.T. Smith, and Marvin Bell. Includes information on titles.
Publisher profile: Salmon Publishing
Publishes academic books especially, Irish studies, Middle Eastern studies, medieval studies, Native American studies, and regional interest titles.
Publisher profile: Syracuse University Press
List of other Irish language publishers in United States
The Irish Music Rights Organisation is the national body administering performing rights in copyright music in Ireland on behalf of its members and on behalf of the members of 67 overseas societies affiliated with it.
Publisher profile: IMRO
Publishes in many fields, but especially in religion, philosophy, medieval studies, and Irish studies.
Publisher profile: University of Notre Dame Press
The oldest university press in Ireland publishes books in Irish studies.
Publisher profile: Cork University Press
List of other Irish language publishers in Ireland
Specialising in guides for Irish family history research, with guides for Cork, Dublin, Mayo, Donegal, Kerry, and Longford, as well as Ireland in general.
Publisher profile: Flyleaf Press
Prim-Ed Publishing is a leading provider of primary school teaching resources. We provide a range of resources to support teachers in meeting the curriculum.
Publisher profile: Prim-Ed Publishing
List of other Irish language publishers in Ireland
An independent Irish publisher with more than 250 titles in print. Titles include history, politics, current affairs, mind, body, spirit, folklore, humour, fiction and children's books.
Publisher profile: Mercier Press
List of other Irish language publishers in Ireland
General publishers of non-fiction including biography/autobiography and current affairs (particularly of Irish and Asian interest).
Publisher profile: Maverick House
List of other Irish language publishers in Ireland