Publishing Services Companies of Italy

Listing 141 to 150 of 170 Italian Publishing Service Companies

Page 15 of 17 of all the publishing services companies listed in the Italian directory of services

Editrice Domenicana Italiana

Naples, Italy

Profile of: Editrice Domenicana Italiana, Naples, Italy

Editrice la Rocca

Marsciano, Italy

Kunstbücher, Marstgechichte, Regio-nale Kunst.

Profile of: Editrice la Rocca, Marsciano, Italy

EFFE Fabrizio Fabbri Editore

San Sisto-Perugia, Italy

Catalogo + Libri d'Arte. RES Regista di informazione medico-scientifica multidisciplinare.

Profile of: EFFE Fabrizio Fabbri Editore, San Sisto-Perugia, Italy

Eman Multimedial

Napoli, Italy

Eman Multimedial was setup with the task to publish high quality products. The books that it publishes are strictly photographic ones and their contents are always addressed to social communication.

Profile of: Eman Multimedial, Napoli, Italy

Era nuova

Ellera, Italy

Sachbuch, Kulturgeschichte, Regionale Kunst und Kinderbücher.

Profile of: Era nuova, Ellera, Italy

Garzanti Libri s.p.a.

Milano, Italy

Literartur, Sachbücher, historische Essays, Kunstbücher, politische Memoiren, Reportagen, Taschenbücher-Reihen, Reihen, Enzyclopädien.

Profile of: Garzanti Libri s.p.a., Milano, Italy

La Casa Usher

Firenze, Italy

Profile of: La Casa Usher, Firenze, Italy

Lidiarte Italia

Castelfranco di Sopra, Italy

Italienische Architekturplakate und Architekturpostkarten von Andrea Palladio bis Aldo Rossi, Städteportraits (Venedig, Verona, Florenz, Siena, Rom), Architekturführer in italienischer Sprache (Palladio und Le Corbusier).

Profile of: Lidiarte Italia, Castelfranco di Sopra, Italy

Living Literary Agency

Milano, Italy

Kontakte/contacts: Halle 6.2 LitAg or Hotel Dorint Niederrad, Tel.: 069/663060-Representing agents and publishers from the USA, UK, Canada, Germany and other countries for Italian translation rights.

Profile of: Living Literary Agency, Milano, Italy

Luigi Bernabo Associates Srl.

Milano, Italy

A literary agency represnting foreign publishers and agencies in Italy. Representing Italian language authors throughout the world.

Profile of: Luigi Bernabo Associates Srl., Milano, Italy

170 publishing companies in the directory of Italian suppliers

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