Information Companies of Italy

Listing all 2 Italian information companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Italian companies offering information services to the publishing industry listed in the directory of information companies of Italy. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering information services to the publishing industry

ICE - Italian Trade Agency

Roma, Italy

ITA - Italian Trade Agency is the Governmental agency that supports the business development of our companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy.

Profile of: ICE - Italian Trade Agency, Roma, Italy
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Informazioni Editoriali I.E. S.r.l.

Assago (MI), Italy

Informazioni Editoriali has been providing bibliographic databases and services for the book supply chain since 1985. It is the publisher of the Italian books in print catalogue and it runs Arianna, a system of communication and teleordering services

Profile of: Informazioni Editoriali I.E. S.r.l., Assago (MI), Italy
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2 suppliers listed under 'Information companies of Italy'
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