Print on Demand Companies of Italy

Listing all 2 Italian print on demand companies

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Prinp Editore


Prinp Editore, founded in 2011, is specialized in modern and contemporary arts, photography, design, architecture. Beside its traditional publishing activity, Prinp Editore is also a web-platform focused on cross-media publishing and self publishing.

Profile of: Prinp Editore, Italy
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Guaraldi Srl

Rimini, Italy

Begins in Florence in 1971 (U.Eco, P.Bourdieu, G. Vinnai, etc.). 1966 first in ,,print on demand and the web" adventure. 2003, the monumental Federico Fellini's ,,La mia Rimini (my home town)."

Profile of: Guaraldi Srl, Rimini, Italy
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