Picture Books Publishers' Directory of Germany

Listing all 10 Picture Books publishers listed in the German publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Germany that are listed under 'Picture Books Publishers. Remove 'Germany' filter to see all picture books publishers' directory. Remove 'Picture Books' filter to see the list of all German publishers

Magink Publishing House

Berlin, Germany

Magink Publishing House is a multinational independent publishing company based in Germany. We publish children's picture books for kids from baby to teenager. Magink children's picture books are available around the world, both in German and in the English language.

Publisher profile: Magink Publishing House

Aufbau Verlagsgruppe Gmbh

Berlin, Germany

Aufbau Verlagsgruppe GmbH produces high quality children's picture books by outstanding internationally renowned artists and writers. Our book program also includes books seeking to introduce children to classical and modern art.

Publisher profile: Aufbau Verlagsgruppe Gmbh

Brunnen Verlag Gmbh

Giessen, Germany

Brunnen Verlag Giessen was founded in 1919. It is one of the biggest protestant publishing houses in Germany. Per year about 100 to 120 new titles are published and about 280 titles are reprinted. One of the main emphasis is the publication of the picture books for pre-school age as well as ficti...

Publisher profile: Brunnen Verlag Gmbh

Gabriel Verlag

Stuttgart, Germany

Bilder-, Kinder- und Jugendbücher zu philosophischen, religiösen und ethischen Themen. Autoren unter anderem: Christian Nürnberger, Alois Prinz, Erwin Grosche, Rainer Oberthür, Roland Kachler, Ursel Scheffler, Martina Baumbach, Christine Biernath, Tanja Jeschke.

Publisher profile: Gabriel Verlag

Frederking & Thaler Verlag GmbH

Munich, Germany

Illustrierte Sachbücher: Essen und Trinken, Garten, Einrichtung/Lifestyle, Fotografie, Reisen, Gesundheit; Gault Millau; Imprint Kaleidoskop Buch: Modernes Antiquariat: Kochen, Garten, Einrichtungen, Fotografie, Sachbücher für Kinder.

Publisher profile: Frederking & Thaler Verlag GmbH

Klaus-Dieter Eichler Pagma-Verlag

Nürnberg, Germany


Publisher profile: Klaus-Dieter Eichler Pagma-Verlag

Calambac Verlag


Publishers of literary fiction, illustrated titles, bilingual editions of literary classics and paperbacks and hardbacks on graphic lyric poetry.

Publisher profile: Calambac Verlag

internet publishers media Verlag Bremen

Bremen, Germany

Fiction and Non-Fiction, about Human Rights

Publisher profile: internet publishers media Verlag Bremen

Jörg Langosch Baumschneider, Poet und Buchmacher

Oy-Mittelberg, Germany

Das Poeten-Pack. Lektüre für den Sanitärbereich. 3-lagig, reißfest, gelegentlich flauschig.

Publisher profile: Jörg Langosch Baumschneider, Poet und Buchmacher

10 publishers in the the directory of picture books publishing companies of Germany
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