Calambac is a German publishing house for fiction and graphic literature based in Saarbrücken, Germany.
Publisher profile: Calambac Publishing House Germany
Verlag Antje Kunstmann is an independent publishing house founded in 1976 publishing international fiction and non-fiction as well as audio-books, illustrated and gift-books.
Publisher profile: Verlag Antje Kunstmann
VNL is a publishing house which has specialized in publishing books of yet unknown authors.
Publisher profile: Verlag Neue Literatur
Our topics are: Kabbalah, Alchemy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucian and surrounding topics!
Publisher profile: Giovanni Grippo Verlag
Das Poeten-Pack. Lektüre für den Sanitärbereich. 3-lagig, reißfest, gelegentlich flauschig.
Publisher profile: Jörg Langosch Baumschneider, Poet und Buchmacher