TASCHEN, the world's leading publisher of fine art books, offers books ranging from compact pocket guides to sumptous collector's editions, covering the subjects of art, architecture, design, digital, fashion, film, interiors, photography, sex and travel.
Publisher profile: Taschen Books
Design, Interior Design, Art, Architecture, Illustration
Publisher profile: Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
RTL II is a commercial, privately owned, general-interest German television channel. In 2014 the channel had a market share of 3,9% among viewers aged over three.
Publisher profile: RTL2 Fernsehen GmbH & Co KG
The teNeues Verlag, which was founded in 1931 by Dr. Heinz teNeues, founded in Krefeld, has been part of the Weltbild Group based in Augsburg since autumn 2020. Its sole shareholder is the family business Droege Group, an internationally active consulting and investment company based in Düsseldorf.
Publisher profile: teNeues Publishing House
Das Magazin fürs Wesentliche. Essential living. Art of Life. Transrational und transcultural spirituality.
Publisher profile: Connection AG
Die beste deutsche Werbung zeichnet jährlich der Art Directors Club aus. Das Jahrbuch erscheint da, wo herausragende Kreativität zu Hause ist: im Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz, dem führenden Fachverlag für Typographie, Grafikdesign und visuelle Kommunikation in Deutschland.
Publisher profile: ADC Verlag
Verlag Antje Kunstmann is an independent publishing house founded in 1976 publishing international fiction and non-fiction as well as audio-books, illustrated and gift-books.
Publisher profile: Verlag Antje Kunstmann
Deavita.com ist eine Online-Plattform mit vielfältigen Inhalten zu Lifestyle, Mode, Gesundheit, Schönheit, Design und Wohnkultur. Sie ist bekannt für hochwertige Bilder und aktuelle Informationen und fesselt die Leser mit interaktiven Inhalten und Expertenratschlägen. Das benutzerfreundliche Design
Publisher profile: Augmar LTD
Arts for children, fine and decorative arts, architecture, design, photography, food and lifestile, travel, nature, gardening.
Publisher profile: Prestel Publishing Group
Phantastische Literatur in schönen, limitierten Vorzugsausgaben. Gesamtausgaben von Paul Scheerbart und H. P. Lovecraft.
Publisher profile: Edition Phantasia