Medical Publishers' Directory of Germany

Listing all 7 Medical publishers listed in the German publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Germany that are listed under 'Medical Publishers. Remove 'Germany' filter to see all medical publishers' directory. Remove 'Medical' filter to see the list of all German publishers


Saarbrücken, Germany

So ist es uns möglich, unseren Autoren eine wirklich kostenfreie Veröffentlichung ihrer Arbeit plus Gewinnbeteiligung und, schon nach wenigen Verkäufen des Buches, ein Freiexemplar anzu

Publisher profile: Akademikerverlag

Martin Bomhardt Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol

Berlin, Germany

Homeopathy publisher with books and the largest edition of German language seminars and lectures from a huge variety of internationally reputated homeopathy teachers. Homöopathieverlag mit Büchern (Schwerpunkt Prozessorientierte Homöopathie und Symbolik) und dem größten deutschsprachigen Sortimen...

Publisher profile: Martin Bomhardt Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol

Edition Aumann

Coburg, Germany

Our publishing company is specialized for books that deal with employment and careers.

Publisher profile: Edition Aumann

Verlag Neue Literatur

Jena, Germany

VNL is a publishing house which has specialized in publishing books of yet unknown authors.

Publisher profile: Verlag Neue Literatur

Publicis Kommunikations Agentur GmbH, GWA

Erlangen, Germany

Automatisierungstechnik, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik, Energietechnik, Elektrische Installationstechnik, Verkehrstechnik, Medizintechnik, Business, Geschichte und Kultur

Publisher profile: Publicis Kommunikations Agentur GmbH, GWA

German University Press (GUP) Baden-Baden

Kappelrodeck, Germany

GUP ist spezialisiert auf hochwertige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in den Bereichen Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften und Medizin. GUP bietet auch Print-on-Demand-, CD-ROM-und Internet-Publikationen an.

Publisher profile: German University Press (GUP) Baden-Baden

Thieme Publishing

Stuttgart, Germany

Thieme Publishers, Stuttgart & New York is an international scientific and medical publisher producing high-quality products for physicians, scientists, technologists, students and residents. Major specialty areas include neurosurgery, radiology, otolaryngology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, comple...

Publisher profile: Thieme Publishing

7 publishers in the the directory of medical publishing companies of Germany
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