Education Publishers' Directory of United States

Listing 61 to 70 of 97 Education publishers listed in the American publishers directories

Page 7 of 10 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of United States that are listed under 'Education Publishers. Remove 'United States' filter to see all education publishers' directory. Remove 'Education' filter to see the list of all American publishers

Written World Communications

Colorado Springs, United States

We explore Gap Publishing - filling those niche markets, through a variety of Christian and General Market imprints.

Publisher profile: Written World Communications

St. Joseph's Media

Wayne, United States

St Joseph's Media, located in Wayne, Michigan, is a publisher of traditional Catholic books, music and video.

Publisher profile: St. Joseph's Media

Association of Educational Publishers

Logan Township, United States

Represents print and digital publishers in the pre-K to Grade 12 education market. Members produce reading, science, math materials; English language programs and materials; childrens' literature and periodicals; reference books, e-learning resources.

Publisher profile: Association of Educational Publishers

Plus One Press

San Francisco, United States

Plus One Press is a small, independent publisher, representing an alternative approach to the current mainstream publishing model. We strive to be an author-centric house, where our responsibilities are to our authors and their works, rather than necessarily to some product-centric vision of maxi...

Publisher profile: Plus One Press

Lutheran University Press

Minneapolis, United States

Publishing at the intersection of faith and the academic disciplines. Provides mission statement, list of authors, submission guidelines, reviews, catalog of publications, and contacts.

Publisher profile: Lutheran University Press

Building Voices

Torrance, United States

Building Voices ® is an independent publishing company that specializes in Children's Fiction and Non-Fiction resources for home and school. Our mission is to build soft voices into outspoken leaders.

Publisher profile: Building Voices

Gryphon House, Inc.

Lewisville, United States

Award winning Publisher of Activity Based Early Childhood Resources for Educators.

Publisher profile: Gryphon House, Inc.

Love Publishing Company

Denver, United States

Love Publishing Company is a worldwide academic publisher of books in special needs education, gifted education, counselor education, and social work since 1968. Markets include disability studies, education, psychology, and counseling.

Publisher profile: Love Publishing Company

Edgeucational Publishing

New York, United States

Edguecational Publishing is a publishers of children's educational books and specialty titles in English, Spanish, and Arabic.

Publisher profile: Edgeucational Publishing


Austin, United States

Macrojournals publishes professional/academic journals in the area of technology, applied science, health, medicine, energy, and broader sustainability.

Publisher profile: Macrojournals

97 publishers in the the directory of education publishing companies of United States
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