Plus One Press is a small, independent publisher, representing an alternative approach to the current mainstream publishing model. We strive to be an author-centric house, where our responsibilities are to our authors and their works, rather than necessarily to some product-centric vision of maximized profits. We believe that, by focusing our support on the development of authors, their careers and, most importantly, their voices, we can publish material that doesn't simply cater to the lowest-common-denominator/bestseller market. And that by doing so, we better serve the reading public and our own goals in publishing.
Plus One Press publishes E-Books and Books on these subjects: Romance, Performing Arts, Music, Literature, Juvenile, Hobby, History, and Health in these languages: English
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2885 Golden Gate Ave.San FranciscoCAUnited States94118
Phone number(s): No number on record
Plus One Press, San Francisco, CA, United States is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
Plus One Press is listed in the directory of publishers of United States. You can find more such publishers from United States here:
By subject: Romance publishers in United States, Performing Arts publishers in United States, Music publishers in United States, and Literature publishers in United States
By media: E-Book publishers in United States and Book publishers in United States
By language: English language publishers of United States
By city: San Francisco, CA
Some of the other prominent cities in United States for which we have publishers in our database include: New York, Chicago, and Washington
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